Welcome to the
Barony of the
Northern Grove
⛊ From October to the end of April, the Barony of the Northern Grove will be hosting an event to encourage the arts and sciences within the Kingdom of the Viridian Outlands.So if you're interest in crafting, roleplay, or searching for some bonus credits while our kingdom is covered in snow, check out the event!⛊ The Mid-Reign feast will soon be upon us! Join us for a potluck feast at Brock's Tavern on Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 12:30pm.
For more information, check out the event page!

About Amtgard
.......................Okay, this looks cool, but what is it?.......................
So you've seen the people in costumes, or maybe fighting in a tournament with foam weapons. And you think it looks pretty cool-- but what is it?
And more importantly, how do you get involved?
Amtgard has been around since 1983, with a player base that spans multiple countries and thousands of people. We welcome players from all backgrounds and levels of experience, whether you're a die-hard medieval historian, a DnD player, a crafter, a cosplayer, a storyteller, or someone who wants to learn how to fight with a (padded!) sword!
The Barony of the Northern Grove has been around for a few years, and meets every Sunday at Lheidli T'enneh Memorial Park near the Exploration Place, in Prince George, British Columbia. We're there from 1-4 in the afternoon, and newcomers are always welcome!
There's no paperwork or gear requirements, just bring yourself (and clothing you can move around in, if you plan to be on the fighting field!)
An average park day tends to be fairly low-key, with a mixture of sparring, socializing, showing off new crafting projects... And of course, battle games!
If you have any questions, or would like to meet some of the members before showing up on Sunday (we know how nerve-wracking that can be!) you can find us on facebook and discord.

Frequently Asked Questions
..?.. What do I need to start playing? How much does it cost?
Absolutely nothing! Not one cent! While most players eventually make their own personalized garb and equipment, the park does have equipment for new players to try.
..?.. Can I choose my own class?
You definitely can! With the exception of Paladin and Anti-Paladin, all classes are available for new players.
..?.. What kind of weapons do you use? Are they dangerous?
Weapons are inspired by history and fantasy, and include everything from swords to rocks to spells.
However, all Amtgard weapons must be padded with foam, and be safety tested prior to play.
..?.. Can I switch between classes?
You can! At the start of a park day, you decide which class you want to play. This could be a class you've played before (and want to progress further in), or it could be a new class that you've never tried.
There's no restriction on trying new classes.
..?.. Do I need to have any previous experience?
No, Amtgard is open to people of all experience levels. If you have an interest in fantasy larp, you're welcome!
..?.. Do you play in winter? In the rain?
We do! The only exception is when it's hazardous to our players' health to be outside (ie: -40 temperatures, or thick smoke).
Cancelled park days will be announced on the facebook group.
..?.. how often do I have to attend? is there a penalty for missing days?
There's no minimum attendance, or penalty for missed days. Some players come every Sunday (rain or shine!) and some only come during the summer when it's nice.
..?.. Is there a fitness requirement?
No. You know your body better than we do, and we trust players to make good decisions for their own health.
This includes stretching before combat, and making sure to drink water, especially on hot summer days!
..?.. What is garb, and do I need it?
Garb is the fantasy or historical clothing you wear to park. New players are expected to have some form of garb within the first month-- however, this doesn't need to be complicated or expensive!
While some players have elaborate garb, others have pieces raided from costumes, thrift stores, or modified things from their own closet.
If you have any questions about your garb, we're happy to help!
..?.. How do I get fancy equipment?
Some people make it, some people buy it, some have it commissioned by craftspeople. If someone has a piece of garb or equipment you love, it never hurts to ask them where they got it!
Basic weapon making classes are held periodically, but you don't have to wait for a class to make your gear.
For more information on crafting (including some useful videos!) check out the links section.
..?.. How old do players need to be?
For safety reasons, players must be 14 years old to join in combat.
Children under the age of fourteen may still engage in combat with children of similar age and size, provided they do so separately from other players, have a signed waiver, and are supervised by their legal guardians.
There is no age requirement to participate in the arts, sciences and culture parts of Amtgard.
..?.. I'm disabled, can I still participate?
Yes! The Amtgard community prides itself on being inclusive of all people regardless of gender, nationality, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, mental or physical ability, or religious affiliation.
We understand that it can be difficult or awkward to ask for help or exceptions, but we want your experience with the Northern Grove to be as positive as possible!

Glossary of Terms
Both your local Amtgard group, and where you play it! Northern Grove at Lheidli T'enneh Memorial Park in Prince George.
Live action role play, or larp, is a combination of re-enactment, storytelling and gaming.
The type of character you play. You can see more information about classes here.
The non-modern (usually historical or fantasy) clothing you wear to park.
The base of your weapon, which the foam is attached to.
Weapon specific terminology can be found here.
A long strip of fabric worn across the body, to identify which class you are on the field.
The referee, in charge of running battle games, solving disputes, and advising on the rules.
You earn one credit in your class every day you attend. These can be used to level up and gain new abilities.
Kingdom level event. A large event held for members from multiple parks.
sword and board
Fighting with a sword and shield.
Short for 'Florentine'. Fighting with two weapons, usually short swords.
Website used to keep track of attendance, awards, player rosters and other paperwork.
A member in good standing. They must have attended 6 different days in the last 6 months anywhere in the Viridian Outlands, be dues paid, and have signed a waiver.This is optional, and not a requirement to participate in Amtgard.
$10 for six months. Dues paid members have no advantage over other members except that they may vote in elections and decisions, and run for office.Northern Grove dues can be paid in cash, or e-transferred to [email protected] .

Where to Find Us?
.......................Right, I'm in! Where do I go?.......................
The Northern Grove meets every Sunday from 1-4pm at
Lheidli T'enneh Memorial Park near the Kiwanis Bowl Bandshell.
click here for directions.Our alternate location is near the Exploration Place Museum.
click here for directions.Any location changes will be posted on our Facebook page. Park updates for dangerous weather (ie. extreme cold or thick smoke), will also be posted there.

Who's Who of Northern Grove
.. Baron
Lady Lucinda Tealeaf
They are the highest authority, and in charge of organizing the group for the duration of their reign in office.
.. Regent
Organizes the arts and sciences during their reign by doing such things as holding workshops, cultural tournaments, and craft nights.
.. Chancellor
Miriam Llewellyn
Makes sure the kingdom financial records and attendance records are in order.
.. Champion
Organizes fighting tournaments, battlegames, and checks weapons and equipment for safety.
.. Guildmaster of reeves
Hrathmar Yimthrall
In charge of settling any rules disputes, making sure that all reeves are qualified and doing their job well, and advises on rules.
.. Guildmasters
Ensures that members of their guild follow the proper rules of their class. Teaches and encourages new members to their guild.
Anti-Paladin -
Archer -
Assassin -
barbarian -
bard -
colour Miriam Llewellyn
druid -
healer Allurian Maethillian
monk -
monster Hrathmar Yimthrall
Paladin Vaistko Caledonensis
peasant Hrathmar Yimthrall
reeve -
scout -
warrior Hrathmar Yimthrall
wizard -

A prestige core class gaining martial prowess through fear and death. They're armored fighters who use dark magic to harm their enemies and control the flow of battle.
Archers are long-range, bow-users that use precision shots and specialty arrows to strike down enemies and create advantages for their allies.
Focused on stealth, trickery, and (of course!) assassination. They excel at slipping in and out of enemy lines to take out targets with deadly efficiency.
Barbarians are relentless melee brawlers that use might and aggression to crush their opponents before them.
Bards are dashing hybrid spellcasters that use martial bravado and verbal magic to inspire allies and hinder foes.
A catch-all class for members of Amtgard who do not participate in the combat portion of the game.
Druids use magic to control the forces of nature. They're control mages and enchanters that specialize in bolstering their team’s armor and granting offensive boons.
Healers are team-oriented spellcasters with a variety of spells to aid, heal and protect their allies, and harm their foes.
Monks are mystic skirmishers that are hard to pin down. Their special arts allow them to support their allies and challenge sorcerous foes.
Creatures from imagination or legend, both good and evil, that are somehow more (or less) than human. Monsters in Amtgard can represent the smallest, friendliest sprite, the largest most fearsome dragon, or anything else in between.
Paladins are armored guardians that wield formidable equipment alongside sacred magic to support and protect their allies. They march against death and darkness with goodness.
Peasants are the common folk. They are not blessed with any noteworthy skills or abilities and must rely solely on their own hard work, wits, and ingenuity to survive each day.
Scouts utilizes both archery skills and wilderness lore. They're versatile combatants that take advantage of a versatile skill set to improvise, adapt, and overcome any obstacle.
Warriors are consummate fighters who use their martial skills and superior equipment to forge a powerful presence on the field. They're exclusively focused on battlefield prowess through right of arms.
Wizards are offensive spellcasters that use a variety of powerful abilities to destroy or restrict their opponents. They cast magic to manipulate the elemental and arcane forces.

The important paperwork for the rules of play, waivers, and other behind the scenes things.
RULES : Current rule book and other rules resources.
CORPORA : The bylaws from the Kingdom of Viridian Outlands.
CORPORA TEST : A passing grade is required before taking office.
REEVE TEST : A passing grade is required before taking office, or reeving.
TEST RESULTS : With tabs for both Reeve and Corpora tests.
ORK : The online record keeper for Amtgard. Also available as an app, mORK.
RECOMMENDING AWARDS IN ORK : For yourself, or others.
WAIVERS : Must be signed and handed in before you can participate in any combat.
TEMPORARY GUARDIAN : Must be signed by a legal guardian for all players under the age of 18, who don't have a parent or guardian present.
THE KINGDOMS : A map of all the kingdoms and parks in North America.
NEARBY PARKS : Search for parks near you.
Useful links for people looking to craft, whether that be making garb, gear, trinkets, or anything else!
SHORT SWORDS : Lucinda Tealeaf's sword making for beginners video.
PREPPING A CORE : Sword making basics.
ATTACHING THE BLADE : To your prepped core.
APPLYING APPLIQUÉ : Basic appliqué tutorial.
SHOE COVERS : How to make larp and cosplay shoe covers.
neighbouring kingdoms
Other parks in the Viridian Outlands.
KINGDOM OF VIRIDIAN OUTLANDS : The kingdom of which Northern Grove is a part.

.......................Ongoing Events.......................
⛊ From October to the end of April, the Barony of the Northern Grove will be hosting an event to encourage the arts and sciences within the Kingdom of the Viridian Outlands.So if you're interest in crafting, roleplay, or searching for some bonus credits while our kingdom is covered in snow, check out the event!
⛊ Through the winter we are also running an ongoing roleplay event! Feast and Famine can be played online and in-person, (player's choice!) and you can read all the plot updates here.


Titles: Regent of the Barony of the Northern Grove
Class: Wizard
Race: Gnome
For a deeper understanding of their origins, delve into their tale.

Miriam Llewellyn
Titles: Chancellor of the Northern Grove, and Guildmaster of Colour to the Kingdom of Viridian Outlands.
Class: Colour
Race: Human
For a deeper understanding of their origins, delve into their tale.

Allurian Maethillian
Titles: Viscount of the Viridian Outlands, Dreadlord, Saint of Eternity, Bishop of the Church of the Apocalypse.
Class: Healer - Necromancer Archetype
Race: Formerly Dark Elf, now Liche!
Other: Gimme all that Purple and Black!
For a deeper understanding of their origins, delve into their tale. Part 1 & 2

Hrathmar Yimthrall
Titles: Acolyte of the Dreadlord Allurian Maethillian (long may he die.) and Guildmaster of Reeves to the Northern Grove.
Class: Monster, menace
Race: Troll
For a deeper understanding of their origins, delve into their tale.

The first time we made the news.
No cringe, all cool.
Manning the booth at Fancon 2024.
Fancon 2024 booth.
Lailoken staring into the distance.
Vaistko trying to pull Excalibur from the stone!
A shield is a useful thing.
How do you know Baronet Vaistko is a paladin?
Gathered for a feast!
Wise bystanders stay out of the crossfire.
Making the news.
A leather helmet for a warrior.
Lady Lucinda Tealeaf and Baronet Vaistko Caledonesis.
Amtgarders assemble!
Astrid bundled against the cold.